As promised, I'm back this week with a recap of my time at the Boston Comic Con.
I arrived at the venue around 8:40am and stood in line. There were probably 30-ish people ahead of me but it was fine. I chatted with a couple of fellow first-timers and read a bit of Death's Daughter, Amber's first solo book. Around 10:05, they finally let us inside the venue (which was great because it was a bit chilly out). I made my way downstairs and into the convention area. There were tables everywhere. Luckily I found a couple of people who were looking for Amber and we ended up scouting out her table. They left after we found it and she wasn't there. I waited, probably 20-25 minutes until Amber arrived.
That meant I was first in line. Pretty freaking cool! So once she got settled, Amber and I chatted for a bit. She autographed my copy of Death's Daughter and we snapped a picture together.
I have to say, she is probably one of the nicest, sweetest people I've ever met. She was really easy to talk to. I mentioned how excited I was for the Boston Independent Film Festival in a couple weeks and she said it was cool that I was going and maybe we'd see each other at the screening of her newest directorial accomplishment, DRONES. She also mentioned there's oging to be a Q&A. I predicct the 24th-25th are going to be LONG days. But it's totally going to be worth it.
On the book front, Amber answered a couple questions about her newwest book, Among the Ghosts that comes out in August and is publisehd by Aladdin books (imprint of Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers). I'll be scooping that up once it arrives!
She wished me luck in my own submissions and said she'll keep her fingers crossed for me. How cool! Hopefully, if/when I see her on the 24th, I'll have an update.
Now, on to the two pictures I took at the whole event (I spotted a couple storm troopers but didn't pull out my camera fast enough).
Amber and I
Amber's autograph on my copy of Death's Daughter
I'll be doing a second blog post this week after I have my 3-month status call with Roger, my agent on the 14th. So fingers crosse for some good news there!
I am soooo excited for you!